Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics

Dean: Sergey Granko
PhD, Associate Professoraddress P. Brovki Street 6
tel: +375 17 293-88-48
E-mail: dekfre@bsuir.by
Academic departments:
·Micro- and Nanoelectronics
·Information Radiotechnologies
The Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics has a rich history. It was founded in 1964 as a part of Minsk Radio Engineering Institute. The achievements of the Faculty’s scientists are recognised all over the world. Their research outcomes are used in spacecraft and missiles, radiolocation systems, advanced micro- and nanoelectronics. Faculty`s textbooks, tutorials and monographs are published both in Belarus and abroad. At this Faculty you will get an education that will make you a unique expert in the field of radio information systems, micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems, and that will give you an opportunity to realise yourself in full in the society of the XXI century.
·Micro- and Nanoelectronics
·Information Radiotechnologies
The Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics has a rich history. It was founded in 1964 as a part of Minsk Radio Engineering Institute. The achievements of the Faculty’s scientists are recognised all over the world. Their research outcomes are used in spacecraft and missiles, radiolocation systems, advanced micro- and nanoelectronics. Faculty`s textbooks, tutorials and monographs are published both in Belarus and abroad. At this Faculty you will get an education that will make you a unique expert in the field of radio information systems, micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems, and that will give you an opportunity to realise yourself in full in the society of the XXI century.