Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Kharytovich  Katsiaryna

Kharytovich Katsiaryna

Assistant Professor

Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 434.

Phone: +375 17 293-89-44.


Links to profiles:
Google Scholar

Publications in the repository of BSUIR:
Repository BSUIR

Professional interests/researches
Telecommunication technologies, RFID technologies.

Graduated from BSUIR, 2008 with a degree in Radioinformatics;
BSEU, 2008 with a degree in Economics and Management in Entrepreneurship;
Master's degree BSUIR, 2015 in the specialty "Information radio technologies".

Trainings, professional development
Сentre for international relations of the ministry of education of the republic of Belarus
Peculiarities of training IT - specialists in the context of a global marketplace of information technologies on the example of Estonia and Latvia, 2018

Working career.
Since 2008, an electronics engineer of the Department of Information Radio Technologies, since 2011. Head of Laboratories, Department of Information Radio Technologies, Assistant.
Defense of a thesis for a master's degree in engineering and technology in 2015 in specialty 1-39 81 03 "Information radio technologies" on the topic "Intellectual documents based on RFID technology."

Taught academic subjects
Telecommunication technologies and systems (272 hours) - [Electronic resource] -

Main publications
Kharitovich, E.A. Intelligent documents based on RFID technology / Kharitovich E.A. - BSUIR, department. information radio technologies, 2015. - [Electronic resource]. -
Ovsyannikov, A. V. Analysis of information predictability of processes with a random structure / A. V. Ovsyannikov, V. M. Kozel, E. A. Kharitovich // Reports of BSUIR. - 2016. - No. 2 (96). - P. 25 - 31. - [Electronic resource]. -

Merits, awards, incentives
Awarded with an honorary diploma from BSUIR for conscientious work, achieving high results in work in 2016.