Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Goroshcko Sergey

Goroshcko Sergey

Assistant Professor
Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 331.

Phone: +375 17 293-88-70.


Links to profiles:
Google Scholar

Publications in the repository of BSUIR:
Repository BSUIR

Professional interests/researches
Visual programming technologies: NetBeans IDE, LabVIEW, H5P, DHTML, Java; methods of computer visualization when modeling processes and phenomena; development of mathematical models of functional units of the radio transmitting path, virtual laboratory works and stands.

Graduated from BSUIR in 2015 with a degree in Radioelectronic systems.

Working career.
Since 2016 engineer, since 2021 assistant professor of the Department of Information Radio Technologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

Taught academic subjects
Design of radio electronic devices based on programmable integrated circuits (104 hours) - [Electronic resource] -

Main publications
Goroshko, S. M. Acoustic analysis of the speech of persons with dysphonia / S. M. Goroshko, S. N. Petrov // Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series C, Basic Sciences. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 39 - 44. - [Electronic resource].-
Goroshko, S.M.Measurement of frequency fluctuations of autogenerators using external synchronization / Goroshko S.M., Polzunov V.V. // Information radio systems and radio technologies 2020: materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference, Minsk, October 28-29, 2020. / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; editorial board: V. A. Bogush [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020 .-- P. 28-30. - [Electronic resource].-
Goroshko, S. M. Method of noise cleaning of speech signals based on chalk-frequency cepstral coefficients using Kalman filtering / S. M. Goroshko, S. N. Petrov // Bulletin of F. Skorina Gomel State University. - 2019. - No. 6 (117). - P. 103 - 107. - [Electronic resource]. -