Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Davydzenka Ihar

Davydzenka Ihar

Associate Professor, PhD.

Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 333a.

Phone: +375 17 293-86-50.

Links to profiles:
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Publications in the repository of BSUIR:
Repository BSUIR

Professional interests/researches
Digital signal processing; adaptive antenna arrays; radiolocation; preliminary design of radio systems; mathematical and imitational simulation of radio systems.

Graduated from Minsk VIZRU in 1982 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
trainings, professional development:
Advanced training courses for teachers at the Minsk VIZRU in 1989 in the specialty "Radio Engineering", academic training courses for teaching staff at the Military Engineering Radio Engineering Academy of Air Defense in 1990 in the specialty "Radio Engineering", advanced training courses at the Institute of Civil Service of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic Belarus in 2018 on the topic "Innovative approaches to the development of personal and professional competencies of a leader."

Working career.
From 1985 to 2000 he held teaching positions at the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, since 2011 Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, since 2014 Associate Professor of the Department of Information Radio Technologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in 1989 in the specialty 20.02.14 "Armament and military equipment" on the topic "Special".

Taught academic subjects
Digital signal processing (186 hours) - [Electronic resource] -
Methods and means of digital signal processing (288 hours) - [Electronic resource] -
Modeling of radio electronic systems (198 hours) - [Electronic resource] -

Main publications
Methods and means of digital signal processing. Laboratory workshop. In 2 hours, Part 1: Methods of digital signal processing: teaching aid / I.N.Davydenko et al. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2016. - 70 p. -

Nguyen, D. V. Analysis of the effectiveness of suppression of intermittent active noise interference / Nguyen D. V., Davydenko I. N. // Information radio systems and radio technologies 2020: materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference, Minsk, October 28-29, 2020 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; editorial board: V. A. Bogush [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020 .-- S. 269-273. -

Bulash, M. M. Quasioptimal discriminator of a two-channel angular coordinate meter of a source of a fast fluctuating signal in a radar station with linear scanning of the antenna pattern / M. M. Bulash, I. N. Davydenko, S. V. Shalyapin // Reports of BSUIR. - 2018. - No. 2 (112). - S. 33 - 39. -

Analysis of the front of an electromagnetic wave generated by coherent radiation sources from two points in space / A. A. Dyatko et al. // Reports of BSUIR. - 2018. - No. 6 (116). - S. 5 - 11. -

Kostromitsky, S. M. Parametric optimization of a two-channel auto-compensator of interfering radiation / S. M. Kostromitsky, A. P. Shumsky, I. N. Davydenko // Doklady BGUIR. - 2018. - No. 8 (118). - P. 49 - 54 .--

Gladyshev, A.M. Fundamentals of design and operation of radio-electronic systems: training method. allowance / A.M. Gladyshev, I.N.Davydenko. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2015 .-- 184 p. : ill. -