Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Brancevich Peter Julianovich

Brancevich Peter Julianovich

Grand PhD courses, PhD, Associate Professor

Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 212-4

Phone: +375 17 293-88-81


Professional interests/researches
Scientific specialization - mathematical models, algorithms and software for automated systems of vibrometry, testing, diagnostics, digital signal processing. Conducted research in the development of methods, algorithms and software for automated control systems for tests on mechanical stress, cal-ibration of vibration installations and vibration measuring transducers. In 1994 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Development of models and software for an automated control system for vibration testing."

Graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1982 with a degree in Electronic Computing Machines.

Working career.
Since 1993, he has worked in the development of architecture, methods, algorithms and software for measuring and computing devices, systems and complexes for solving problems of vibration con-trol, monitoring, diagnostics and automation of protection of mechanisms with rotary motion. De-veloped decision support systems for assessing the technical condition of complex mechanisms and assemblies based on vibration parameters.
He was the scientific supervisor of four tasks of the State Scientific and Technical Program (SSTP) "Energy", two tasks of the State Scientific and Technical Program "Protection against Emergencies", five tasks of the State Research and Development Program, a large number of business contracts.
He developed methods, algorithms and software and methodological support for multichannel measuring and computing complexes for vibration control and automatic protection of the Lukoml series (big data systems), which have been introduced at more than 30 facilities of energy enterprises in Belarus. Carried out scientific supervision and was directly involved in the development of meas-uring and computing complexes "Timbre", "Timbre-M", designed to study the vibration state of mechanisms and the propagation of vibrations in building structures. This complex has been imple-mented in the Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Problems.
I work as a leading researcher in the laboratory "Vibrodiagnostic systems" of BSUIR.
Doctoral student at the Department of Information Technologies Software of BSUIR.
I carry out the scientific supervision of undergraduates and postgraduates, under my scientific guid-ance a Ph.D's dissertation was defended.
Four students became laureates of the republican competition of student research papers, two stu-dents received the first category.
I have over 200 scientific publications.
The monograph "Evaluation of the technical state of mechanisms with rotary motion based on the analysis of vibration characteristics of starts and runs" has been published.

Taught academic subjects
- Operating systems and system programming;
- Digital signal processing;
- Algorithms for digital signal processing in specialized systems;
- Processing of experimental data in specialized systems;
- Basics of information technology.

Main publications
1. Brancevich P. J. Assessment of the technical state of mechanisms with rotary motion based on the analysis of vibration characteristics of starts and runs. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2021. ‒ 236 p. - ISBN 978-985-581-443-7.
2. Brancevich P., Li Y. Multifunctional analysis of long realizations of vibration signals // 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Prague, Czech Republic, 11‒16 July 2021. - P.n. 1274. - RR. 1-8. [Electronic resource] The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, USA, - 2021.
3. Brancevich, P. Detection of vibration disturbances during the analysis of long realizations of vibration signals / P. Brancevich, Y. Li // 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Hiroshima Calling - Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July 2018 −P.n. 701. -pp. 1-8., Curran Associates, Inc., USA., 2018. - pp. 2736-2743. ISBN: 978-1-5108-6845-8
4. Brancevich P. J. Software processing of vibration signals in decision support systems // In-formation technologies. Radio electronics. Telecommunications. - 2020. - No. 8. - P. 52-58. (Russia, Volga State University of Service).
5. Brancevich P.J., Levantsevich V.A., Demenkovets D.V. Organization of a decision support system for assessing the technical condition and diagnosing rotary units by vibration // Non-Destructive Control and Diagnostics. - 2021. - No. 1. - S. 43-49.
6. Brancevich P.J., Lapitskaya N.V., Levantsevich V.A., Demenkovets D.V. Assessment of the state of technical objects by the parameters of the vibration signal // Digital transformation. - 2021. - No. 2 (15). - S. 56-63.
7. Brancevich P.J., Lapitskaya N.V. Digital processing of vibration signals when assessing the technical condition of turbine units // Tenth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Sim-ulation Modeling and Its Application in Science and Industry "Simulation Modeling. Theory and Practice "(IMMOD-2021). Conference proceedings (electronic edition), October 20-22, 2021, St. Petersburg: JSC "TsTSS", 2021. - 694 p. - ISBN 978-5-905526-05-3. S. 113-119.
8. Brancevich P.J. Investigation of the characteristics of vibration signals // Applied Problems of Optics, Informatics, Radiophysics and Condensed Matter Physics: Proceedings of the Sixth In-ternational Scientific and Practical Conference May 20-21, 2021, Minsk, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, NRU "Institute of Applied Physical Problems named after A. N. Sevchen-ko "of the Belarusian State University; editorial board: V.I. Popechits (editor-in-chief) [and others] - Minsk: ODO "Reiplatz", 2021. - pp. 119-121.
9. Brancevich P.J. Software tool for processing long realizations of vibration signals // BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BI DATA and high-level analysis: collection of articles. scien-tific articles VII Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk May 19-20, 2021): / editorial board: V.A. Bogush [and others]. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2021, - S. 423-437.
10. Brancevich P.J. Analysis of vibration signals in an emergency situation on the expander // Automated control systems for technological processes at NPP and TPP = Instrumentation and con-trol systems for NPP and TPP: materials of the II Intern. scientific and technical conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, April 27-28, 2021): / editorial board: V.A. Bogush [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2021, - S. 164-170.
11. Brancevich, P. J. Digital processing of vibration signals / P. J. Branсevich. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2022. − 297 p.
12. Brancevich, P. Model of the decision-making system for assessment of the state of technical objects / P. Brancevich, Y. Li // Proceedings of the 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Singapore - 2022. Edited by: ICSV28 Local Committee in Singapore. Published by: Society of Acoustics, Singapore. − P.n. 324. - РР. 1‒7, The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, USA, 2022.

Merits, awards, incentives
Silver medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
Three certificates of honor from BelEnergo concern.
Anniversary sign "70 years of the Belarusian energy system".
Prize (third degree) of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of talented youth.