Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Khramovich Elena Minaevna

Khramovich Elena Minaevna

Associate Professor of the Department of Physics
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 4th section building, aud. 502-4.

Phone: (+375 17) 293-89-13


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Area of professional interests/research: Crystal optics, methods of teaching physics

Education: Higher (BSU)
- graduate school (BSU);
advanced training (internships, professional training):
- internships: BSU, RIPO, RIVSH, Minsk "Information computer technologies in education."

Working career:
- BSU student;
- graduate student at BSU assistant
- senior lecturer
- associate professor of the department of theoretical physics, Mozyr State Pedagogical Institute
- associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences
- Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College Associate Professor, Department of Physics
- BSUIR to date defense of the dissertation on the topic "Diffraction of light by photoinduced gratings in cubic gyrotropic photorefractive crystals" at competition for the scientific degree of -- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (defended on June 29, 1990);
- obtaining the title of associate professor (1994) Total work experience is 48 years, of which 8 years at the BSUIR branch of the IRC and BSUIR.

Taught academic subjects: Academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 810 hours.

Main publications: The list of scientific papers contains more than 80 publications