Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Paluyan Tatsiana

Paluyan Tatsiana

Master of Engineering and Technology

Minsk, P. Brovki, 10, 507

Phone: +375 17 293-86-57


Google Scholar

Publications in the repository of BSUIR

Professional interests/researches

Networks and objects of infocommunication
Software testing
3D graphics

Higher (BSUIR, specialty «Multichannel telecommunication systems»)
Master's degree (BSUIR, specialty «Infocommunication systems and networks»)
Taught academic subjects

Basics of infocommunication technologies
Software testing technologies
Management of networks and means of infocommunication
Theory of transfer information

1. Direct photodetection and coherent reception with different modulation techniques in open optical communication systems with stationary space objects / S.A. Lukashevich, V.N. Urjadov, T.V. Poluyan // Telecommunications: Networks and Technologies, Algebraic Coding and Data Security : materials of International scientific and technical seminar (Minsk, November - December 2019) - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .- P. 88-94. (
2. Interference during testing of fiber-optics transmission systems to assess protection against acousto-optics unauthorized access / V.N. Urjadov, S.A. Lukashevich, T.V. Poluyan, N.E. Matus // Modern means of communications: materials of XXV International scientific and technical seminar, 22-23 Oct. 2020, Minsk, Belarus. - Minsk: Belarusian State Academy of Communications, 2020. - P. 216-218.