Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Liahushevich Sviatlana IvanovnaLiahushevich Sviatlana Ivanovna
Job title, Associate professor of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 309

Phone: +375 17 293-89-22


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Professional interests/researches
Information and communication technologies, methods of teaching foreign languages.

1972-1977 Minsk State Institute of Foreign Languages (with honors) Speciality: «French and English». Qualification: «Teacher of French and English».
1996-2000 postgraduate course, Minsk State Linguistic University.
2005 awarded a scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics».

Trainings, professional development
08.11-01.12.2010 Training course «Personal computer application in professional activity», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.01-28.01.2011 Training course «Foreign languages teaching in modern educational conditions», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.07-26.07.2012 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
24.01-31.01.2013 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.03-13.07.2015 Training course «Wars and historical destinies of Belarusian people», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
01.07-21.07.2016 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
04.07-17.07.2017 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.02-10.02.2018 Foreign training program «Modern Education Technologies of Foreign Languages. Experience of Poland, Germany and Great Britain».
14.05-25.05.2018 program «Management and organization of department work in educational institution», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading Information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
16.07-29.07.2018 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.

Working career
1977-1978 English teacher, secondary school №25, Mogilev.
1979-1986 Book merchandise, the regional bookkeeping department of the Minsk regional consumer union
1987-1994 Teacher of French and English, secondary school №38, Minsk.
1995-2001 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2001-2004 Associate, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2004-2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
2005 Candidate thesis defense on the theme: «The Metaphoric Transfer in the Formation
of Radioelectronics Terms in Modern French and English». Was awarded scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics». A scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor were awarded
2005-present Associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages BSUIR.

Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - II level of higher education (420 hours)
Cross-Cultural Communication - II level of higher education (240 hours)

Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.

  1. Liahushevich S.I. Terminology teaching in the English language course for master students of non-linguistic universities. Proceedings of the 3-rd scientific and practical conference with international participation "Linguodidactic features of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities." (Moscow, 20.05.2020). Moscow: Russian Academy of National Economy, 2020.- P.144-150 (autorization code in Scopus).

  2. Liahushevich S.I. Modern technologies of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities. Proceedings of republican scientific and practical conference (with international participation) "Linguocultural environment of professional and oriented education" (Minsk, 24.04.2020). Minsk: Military Academy of RB, 2020.-P.304-308.

  3. Liahushevich S.I. English special texts referencing teaching of master students of non-linguistic universities. Materials of interuniversity seminar "Foreign languages teaching features in military educational institution" (Minsk, 27.02.2020). Minsk: Institute of National Security of RB, 2020. - P.304-308.

  4. Liahushevich S.I. Development of skills of paragraph structural types determination in referencing training process. Proceedings of the VI International scientific conference "Text: philological, sociocultural, regional and methodical aspects". (Tolyatti, 14-16.04.2019). Tolyatti: Tolyatti State University, 2019. - P.257-260 (autorization code in Scopus).

  5. LiahushevichS.I. Web 2 technologies in university foreign language teaching. Proceedings of the XII republican scientific and practical conference with international participation "Linguocultural education in the system of university Specialist preparation". (Brest,22.11.2019). Brest: Brest State University, 2019.- P.148-150.

  6. Liahushevich S.I. Nomination problem in its significance for radioelectronics terminology research in French and English. Proceedings of international scientific conference "Romanov Readings XIII". (Mogilev, 25-26.10.2019).Mogilev: Mogilev State University, 2018. - P.148-150.

  7. Liagushevich S.I. Terms-zoomorphisms. Proceedings of the VIII International scientific conference "Current issues of Romano-German philology and foreign languages teaching methods" (Gomel, 26.10.2018). Gomel: Gomel State University, 2018. - P.206-212.

  8. Formation of students’ intercultural competence in the process of university language education. Proceedings of the IX International scientific conference "High technical education: problems and ways of development" (Minsk, 1-2.11.2018). Minsk:BSUIR, 2019. - P.278-280.