Senior LecturerAddress: Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 508
Phone: +375 17 293-89-73
E-mail: kuchura@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
1. Optimization problems of graphic training for students in university
2. Educational and information technology.
3. Development of educational video content.
National research university of elektronik technology MIET in the specialty "Vacuum technique of electrophysical installations"
2001 - REC BSPA, "Geometric modeling, engineering and computer graphics".
2006 - RIIT BNTU, "Computer design and programming systems".
2008 - ProTECHNOLOGIES company, course "Introduction to Pro / ENGINEER".
2012 - RIIT BNTU, "Three-dimensional modeling in engineering graphics".
2015 - RIIT BNTU, "Pedagogical foundations of scientific and methodological work in educational institutions. Modern Pedagogy ".
2020 - NIHE, "Social networks as an environment for teaching and professional development of teachers and students."
Working career
1984 - 1997:engineer, design engineer at PA "Integral".
1997 - 2019:lecturer, senior lecturer at the department of Engineering Graphics for Machine-Building , BNTU.
2019 - present time:senior lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
1. Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours.
2. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, 196 hours.
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
Main publications
The author of 50 publications, including methodology guidelines - 2 pcs, study textbooks - 2 pcs, articles in collections of scientific and technical conferences - 12 pcs.
1. Optimization problems of graphic training for students in university
2. Educational and information technology.
3. Development of educational video content.
National research university of elektronik technology MIET in the specialty "Vacuum technique of electrophysical installations"
2001 - REC BSPA, "Geometric modeling, engineering and computer graphics".
2006 - RIIT BNTU, "Computer design and programming systems".
2008 - ProTECHNOLOGIES company, course "Introduction to Pro / ENGINEER".
2012 - RIIT BNTU, "Three-dimensional modeling in engineering graphics".
2015 - RIIT BNTU, "Pedagogical foundations of scientific and methodological work in educational institutions. Modern Pedagogy ".
2020 - NIHE, "Social networks as an environment for teaching and professional development of teachers and students."
Working career
1984 - 1997:engineer, design engineer at PA "Integral".
1997 - 2019:lecturer, senior lecturer at the department of Engineering Graphics for Machine-Building , BNTU.
2019 - present time:senior lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
1. Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours.
2. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, 196 hours.
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
Main publications
The author of 50 publications, including methodology guidelines - 2 pcs, study textbooks - 2 pcs, articles in collections of scientific and technical conferences - 12 pcs.